Work in Right-of-Way Permit - Town of Ingersoll Application

PREVIEW ONLY . You must register and login in to service to make application.

* Please note that these are required fields

Please read carefully:

A Work in Right-of-Way Permit relates to any activity that results in traffic disruption, including bins, materials and equipment blocking lanes, or the cutting, excavation, boring, filling, additions, or altering in any way, roadways, curbs, sidewalks, boulevards, ditches, trails, and other areas within the right-of-way. A traffic plan in compliance with the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM), Book 7, Temporary Conditions for traffic plan instructions, may be required.

Application may be made to multiple road authorities with this service (e.g., county road, town sidewalk), by selecting the Multi-Jurisdiction option (coming soon).

Additional Conditions and Comments

1. It is understood and agreed that the Applicant will provide all traffic control as required under the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7.
2. All barricades, signs and signals required to direct, or guide the motorist and / or pedestrian shall be erected and maintained by the Applicant in accordance with the “Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7 – Temporary Conditions”, most current edition. All detour signing and materials, when required shall be supplied, erected and maintained by the contractor at the expense of the Applicant.
3. The applicant will make all/any appropriate TEMPORARY repairs in accordance with By-Law No. 01-3975.
4. It is also understood and agreed that the Applicant will pay the Town reasonable cost for all concrete and asphalt repairs up to the property line as a result of the work executed within the scope of this permit. The Applicant will be responsible for any temporary and/or final restoration costs. If any sidewalk, asphalt or curbing are disturbed during any Utility work within the Town's right away our Public Works Department will complete the restoration as per our Level of Standards.  
All machine time labour and materials will be then invoiced to the Utility. All grade transitions, trip hazards and restoration of landscaped surfaces (ie. topsoil/sod) are to be completed by the Utility.
5. Permits will be honored for a period of six (6) months from date of approval.
6. Utility Locates are the responsibility of the Applicant.
7. Payments can be made at the Town of Ingersoll via, debit, cash or chq payable to the Town of Ingersoll OR by Electronic Payment Information Form (EPIF) see EPIF link here. Electronic Payment Information Form (EPIF)
Payment is to be made within 30 days of invoice date.

Applicant Details

These fields may be automatically populated from a logged-in user's account details


Contractor Details

Date / Time



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Work in Right-of-Way Permit - Town of Ingersoll Details

Check all that apply.

Do roads need to be closed, lanes reduced, detours, unavailability of on-street parking, etc., and when. You may upload traffic management plan below.

Indicate what sidewalks and paths need to be closed, capacity reduce, detours, etc. and when. You may upload a map for this purpose.

Certificate(s) to be uploaded below.

This field supports the addition of your internal reference for this application.

File Uploads

See road authority's conditions.

Refer to Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions for traffic plan instructions.

PREVIEW ONLY . You must register and login in to service to make application.